Our Services
Specialty Trained Experts
Our providers go through a structured advanced education and training which culminates in board certification. Our dedication to training and ongoing education ensure that you have an advanced practice nurse or physician who is at the top of the wound management profession and one who understands the barriers to healing inclusive of the elderly.

We Work for You
Our team works with facility staff, providers, and administration. We become your healthcare partner in dealing with current regulations, formulary reviews, cost containment, staff education, prevention guidance, survey assistance and more.

Wherever Wounds are Found
From inpatient to outpatient to nursing homes to homecare. We start tracking patients on admission and don't rest until their wounds are healed

Compassionate Billing
We never turn patients away for their inability to pay. We bill Part-B for our services at no-cost to the facility regardless if the patient is skilled or long-term. Our electronic medical records are uploaded to facilities' digital records. All Healthcare Partners have 24/7 access to their NESWC provider.

Your State of the Art Partner
Our providers use evidence-backed protocols, technologies, and procedures. We provide best-in-class on-site treatment including debridements, biopsies, cauterization, molecular diagnostic testing, regenerative medicine, and more.

Let's Partner
Let’s have a conversation about how Northeast Surgical Wound Care will make a difference at your facility.
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